Wednesday, August 27, 2008
What was I doing 10 years ago?
1998 - 24yrs old. One 3yr old. One wife of just over 3yrs. Had bought our first house(still in it) Don't think I had a bike at that time. Did have a K5 blazer w/ 44's and 6 inch lift kit, no mullet though. Only other hobby was occasionally jamming w/ a band in Shell Rock.
What are five non-work things on my to-do list today?
1 - Finish flyer and plans for October Flat Tire Festival at Camp Ingawanis.
2 - Plan Bike Ride/Rodeo activites for our local Cub Scout pack next month.
3 - Help the Mrs. get the camper ready for a nice long camping weekend in Greene.
4 - Mow the yard (if it doesn't rain)
5 - Clean my garage/ aka rearrange the umpteen-thousand bikes and ramps.
Snacks I enjoy?
Popcorn- EVERY NIGHT! and thats about it.
Things I would do if I were a billionaire?
Not be among the living.
Places I have lived?
San Diego, California
Cedar Falls
Blue River, Oregon
Jobs I have had?
Bean thinner at Pioneer Hybrid
McDonalds Grease Rat
Detasseling contractor
Country Kitchen waiter
Younkers Retail Sales
Camp Commissary Director/ Staff Ingawanis/WSR
Veterinarian assistant - Euthanizing sucks!
Waiter and bartender at Brown Bottle
Parts runner in auto dealership
Bartender at local Hotel, weddings,etc- after normal job.
Parts Counter Sales
Wholesale counter sales/ Webmaster at salvage yard
Part time truck loader at aftermarket parts distributor- after normal job.
Parts Manager at auto dealership.
Time to TAG
Still haven't seen cuz's
Jimmy James- and it better be eloquent
Mr. Bruce Brown
Monday, August 25, 2008
What the hell am I doing here, I don't belong here....
You know when you get that feeling like today is not going to be your day? Yeah, I had it. I still had a camp date so I rolled out. The south side trails are so fast that sometimes you're so into climactic singletrack euphoria that you lose things. Like my phone. This is where I thinks to me-self "shoulda stayed in bed". Luckily this directionally challenged fellow has a good memory of where I've been so I meet up with the group- GTED, Cuz, and Rob Houlihan (aka Deerslayer). to retrace w/ cuz calling me non-stop. Deerslayer finds it at the bottom of a fast gully. THANK YOU HOULIHAN!!! If Radiohead ever needs a singer they should call you. Ended up doing some more riding, packed it in and went to the in-laws to comb out my ass. No really, Harry, our donkey, was pretty matted. Grilled out on the crick beach and hung with the family. Nice finish.

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Too Short

Thursday, August 14, 2008
We're outta here

Friday, August 8, 2008
Pioneering, Reunioning, & Reunioning

Monday, August 4, 2008
I feel so lonely, I could die
Here is my oldest 5-0'ing the vert course ;)